Thursday, March 12, 2009

Privacy Please

The other day our oldest daughter got into trouble. She went and got paper and a pencil and hollered from her room asking how to spell our names. This is what she wrote. Which led to this idea.

We decided that writing out her feelings was appropriate and better than screaming and crying out loud. But we felt it should have a time and a place. So, today I bought each girl a box and let them pick their own stickers. After they decorated the boxes I explained what a privacy box was. They are allowed to place special things like cards, pictures etc. inside. They can make a surprise for someone and put it in there. Plus we gave the oldest a "privacy notebook" where she is allowed to write her feelings. I did encourage her to write happy things too. We think it is a neat idea. What do you think?


Kendra's Crocheted Creations said...

I think you handled it wonderfully and turned a potentially hurtful situation into a great idea. kudos to you!

Unknown said...

Sounds neat! :)

Stacey said...

What a great idea. I love the way you handled it :-) *storing in my mental parenting bank for later*

Clifford Jeffery said...

I am glad to read your comments. We thought maybe it was too weird, but honestly, I would rather her write a note like that than have one of her "Could that possibly even be our child?" kind of fits. She was ecstatic with the idea! She spent close to two hours working on it.

Trinka said...

I think it's a wonderful idea. Particularly that you're encouraging her to write the GOOD things too.

It's kind of a six-year-old version of my journal. I only really write in it when I have some struggle I'm trying to work through.

So if anyone were to read it (heaven help them), they'd think I lived my life in the depths of despair. :)

And having a spot that's all their own is great. Since they share a room, this gives them a place that's special for just them.

I vote that it's a winner of an idea! :)

Trinka said...

I was trying to guess by decorations whose box was whose ...

oldest on the left, youngest on the right?

BTW, Oldest's text SO sums up my feelings on certain days. Everyone else is just BAD. :)

Clifford Jeffery said...

Yep! Oldest left and youngest right!!!