Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Post of 2009

I cannot believe 2009 is here so soon. This year is bringing in so many changes. This time next year I will be blogging from Korea. In 4 months we will tell our friends and family good-bye for 2 years! During our two year stay in Korea we do not plan to return to the states. Too expensive and way too hard on little girls to put them through the 14 hour time change over and over. This year our babies will turn 5 and 6. This year I will complete my first year of home-school and start my second year. We will move overseas! I have never been out of the U.S. except for a cruise and Canada. I cannot imagine what this year will be like but I am excited! A tad scared, but very excited! Right now my focus is on resolutions I have no control over! =) I want an answer from the military about our command sponsorship to Korea and I want to survive February. During the 28 days if Feb. my poor husband will be in the field 25 of those days. If you do the math you will see that we basically will not be seeing him or even talking to him for an entire month. I am not too happy about that part, but am excited to go to Korea with him! Right now we are planning to start our New Years Day with a freezing cold hike. My husband thinks it is a great idea! I am not too sure, but getting hot coffee with him and the girls afterwards DOES sound great! =)
Happy New Year!!!!!

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