Sunday, January 4, 2009

Feeling the Pinch.... And it HURTS!!!

Not a real pinch, just that tomorrow my hubby is back to work and he leaves for the field Saturday for 1 week. Tomorrow we start back at home-school and preschool and all normal activities resume. A few weeks ago when we learned my husband HAD to take the two full weeks off we were a little bothered because we did not want to use all that leave time. However, it has been the biggest blessing. Since February, we have not had any slow time. Till now. It has been so wonderful! We have had long, lazy mornings and late lazy nights. We have had card games with the girls, leisurely meals around the table and some funny family moments! I am so sad that tomorrow it all comes crashing back down. Real life intrudes again. We are still waiting to hear about Korea, but no matter what they tell us we will all be there together one way or another.
Tonight the girls were playing with their new V-Smile and the oldest was playing a new math game on the computer. The guy kept saying, "You are doing so good Commando Alpha." She thought that was hilarious! She kept saying, "He thinks that is my real name!!!" It was very cute! Later I was telling them that Daddy will be gone for Valentine's Day and that they would need to make a surprise for me. The oldest said, "I'll get you a real puppy." I asked her how. She said, "You can drive me to a pet store and I will carry in my bank and come out with a puppy!" Cute kids!!!

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