Monday, May 24, 2010

The Beach

It was a long journey but we finally made it to the beach!!!  After the past few weeks, we all needed this time to repax and regroup.  The girls are having a complete BLAST!  The Hippie was 2 the last time we were at the beach and she did not remember the ocean.  It was so fun watching her rediscover it yesterday.  She was in Heaven with unlimited sand for digging =).  Both girls got braver and braver and by the end of the day were going way out in the waves!  They also loved the pool!  They swam and swam.  By 6 p.m. last night they were exhausted.  They ended up going to bed at 7:15 and were asleep by 7:16.  Here are a few pics to enjoy.  In the third picture you will see an Ohio State Ball Cap with a small blip to the right....that is the Genius =).

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