Thursday, July 1, 2010

Camping Queen

Yesterday evening we got to go and pick up the Genius from her 3 nights/4 days of church camp!  We were SO excited to go and get her!  We sent her letters and emails but had no contact with her during those days.  Between her Selective Mutism and needing to keep her scar covered with zinc the whole time we were plenty worried.  We went to the pick up area and walked in.  I spotted her sitting at a table.....talking to an adult!  Then the camp dean, nurse and a few others made a beeline for us to tell us that she started talking about 30 minutes after we left and DID NOT STOP the entire time!!!!  I could have cried I was so ecstatic!  What an answer to prayer!  She had a great time!  We loaded up her gear and she took us on a tour of the camp.  Her favorite parts were swimming, the canteen and the singing.  She did not like the food or the fact that they had to have a rest time every day.  I think her highlight was the second night of camp.  They took the kids to the pool around 10 p.m., put up a big screen projector and showed the movie "Cars" while the kids swam!  They were up until midnight!  After we had her in the car we asked if she wanted to go back and she said, "Whenever I can."  I said, "well how about tomorrow?"  She said, "No thanks,  I think I want my regular bedtime." She went to bed around 8 last night and woke up a few minutes after 8 today.  She was ready for some homemade granola and milk!  I think the poor girls about starved while she was at camp.  I guess 1 meal was so gross to her that she asked to make a peanut butter sandwich!  I am so thankful we were able to send her and so excited to see if she is reaching the end of her Selective Mutism.  The next camper will be the Hippie. She is going for 1 night.  Neither my husband nor I think she will make it through the night there, but she is excited to go so we shall see!
No baby boy yet, but he will be here within the next 12 days!


Anonymous said...

I have to admit... I almost cried just reading this! What an amazing feat for her! I'm so glad she had such an amazing time!!!

Now about that boy, have you given him the eviction notice yet? (lol)

Anonymous said...

So thrilled to hear about the camp experience.