Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I let the girls mop the house today! That was fun. They actually did really good. It is neat that they are getting old enough to really start doing things. Last night, the oldest mostly cooked the chicken by herself. Obviously I do not leave her at the stove alone or anything, but she did not need any help. They both still love doing chores and cooking and helping me out. I hope it lasts! My poor hubby is still at work. I am trying to wait and eat with him when he gets home but I am sitting here starving! Finally we had some spring like weather! The girls and I played outside and washed the van. It was nice! Tomorrow... off for our weekly appt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great that the girls are
cooking. Maybe they can cook for
Trinka and Grandpa and Grandma