Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Terrible 5's?????

Someone else PLEASE chime in and tell me you started having trouble when your kids turned 5ish almost 6ish. Our oldest has really been trying my patience lately. Today was really the icing on the cake. My husband got off really early and we set off to run errands and enjoy ourselves. We stopped by the fabric store to get material for the youngests dress. When we went to have it cut the oldest asked who it was for. I told her the youngest since we did not have enough material to make it last time. She went on to have a meltdown and my husband whisked her out the door. He tried talking with her and it went nowhere quick. We made another stop and I stayed in the van with her because she was still upset. I tried talking to her about being happy with what we get etc. and she started going on about "On my birthday I am counting and making sure how many gifts I get and when I get home I am couting how many things I have because I want the most." I was horrified and so was my husband! You have to understand that we rarely buy them anything in front of them. We do not get them a gift at the grocery store, we do not regularly bring them gifts if we are gone etc.... Where did this come from? When we got home my husband got out the bible and talked with her about everything but she really does not seem to "get" it. Does anyone have any practical advice? I sure hope we are not alone...


Trinka said...

Oh dear.

Selfishness, I'm afraid, comes pre-programmed. But she has a tender little heart, and God will get through to her. It just might take a while!

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any wisdom in this area since I am right in the midst of the storm with you.. My little girl just turned 6 and this past year has been so trying and hard. And still is. I am praying that this is a "phase" and that she is going to come out of it stronger. And I know it sounds bad, But there are days when I am glad to come to work for just a few hours!
Then I always feel bad and go home missing her like crazy...
Good luck from Times-News....

Unknown said...

I don't have any practical advice--I don't even have a five-year-old yet. But even though you have tried hard to set very wise limits, she is still a human being--fallen and sinful from birth. Keep talking, keep praying, keep setting those limits--I think that as you plant those seeds, you will see a harvest in time. (((hugs)))

Clifford Jeffery said...

Thanks everyone for the comments. Since that day she has been great! Look for a new blog soon on what we are trying to see if it helps any.

Kristan said...

Hey, We go through almost identical situations with Olivia. I am dumbstruck when things like that come out of her mouth. I don't know where she gets it from. Today at lunch she was comparing how much salsd dressing Ernie had to hers and he had more and that wasn't fair. He also had a bigger piece of bacon. Go figure? Our Tri-cities Baptist Easter egg hunt was awful because Olivia had a MELTDOWN!!!!! becaue she only found 2 eggs! Never mind that in her excitment to run to the eggs far away she stepped over 100's.