Sunday, November 18, 2012

When Things Don't Go According to Plan

Yesterday started off so promising!  Our son woke up early but then went back to sleep.  I ended up staying awake and enjoying some coffee and quiet time.  After my husband left for work, the kids and I all cleaned together.  Later we ran some errands, bought the items we needed for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and drove through good ole' McDonald's for some much needed grease lunch.  Came home and since the Professor had been up so early he was ready for a really early nap.  This was just a HUGE blessing since the girls had a home-school co-op Open House at 2:30.  He got a fairly good nap in and we went to the Open House.  My parents got to come and we saw the Genius' sewing projects displayed and saw photos of what the girls had done in their Rocket Launching class (and yes these were real rockets!)   After the Open House the plan was to come home and get everyone fed.  Then we were surprising the kids by taking them to a Christmas parade.  One I have wanted to go to for 2 years now and never been able to make it.  I was so excited!  But when we got home from co-op, the Professor said he needed a diaper change.  When I pulled off his diaper I saw blood.  At moments like this, only God keeps me from total panic.  I knew he needed to see someone but it was 4 p.m. on Saturday.  I called around and we are SO rural there are not many urgent care places.  The only open with 40 miles did not want to see him for this in case it was his kidneys.  I gathered the girls up and asked them to pack a bag with things to do, gave them a brief talk about helping out and being patient and we loaded up.  I managed to reach my husband on the phone and he was off early on a Saturday and able to meet us at the ER.  We get checked in and they tell us all the beds are full and to prepare for a long wait.  It was a long wait.  My husband took the girls out to dinner and the brought back food for the Professor and I.  We also had to keep getting him to drink because they wanted a urine sample.  He finally peed in the bag thing they had put on him.  And we sat around some more.  Eventually my husband left with the girls and took them to the parade.  I wanted them to see it at least.  After the parade they came back and we were still waiting.  By this point the Professor was totally over being in a small room loaded with "don't touches".  We had exhausted every song, book, crayon and he was tired of my balloon made out of a latex glove.  And all that drinking he had done...he had soaked through every diaper I had packed.  My husband left with the Hippie and they went to get some (cringe) disposable diapers.  As soon as they left the doctor came in to let me know that 0-1 is normal red blood cell count for urine and the Professor's was just a 3.  Not enough to indicate any infection.  She examined the diaper with the blood on it and his little privates.  She said it looked like he had a tiny cut and when she moved it we saw blood there  So evidently my freak out was for nothing!  And we spent over 4 hours in the ER. 
That definitely was NOT in my plans for a fun Saturday night.
All in all, I am just thankful he is ok!
How was your weekend?


Trinka said...

YIKES! I'm so glad everything's OK! Sure wish you'd been able to find that out without so much exhaustion!!!

Aprille @ said...

aww poor kiddo. glad he is okay!