Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Yesterday the Genius said something SO cute and funny I just had to get it down before it slipped my mind. We had a playdate yesterday with 7 of their friends at Chick-Fil-A. When we got there the Genius was looking around and she (oh so sincerely) said, "Look Mommy! They have green clovers up everywhere in here and according to our calendars it is not even close to Green Clover Day yet!" LOL! We never make a big deal out of St. Patrick's Day (to be honest I don't even know the history of it). So I guess in her 6 year old mind it is "Green Clover Day"! She is so cute!
Last night I made my first batch ever of homemade spaghetti sauce! It was SO good! It made a huge amount! We had it last night with spaghetti, tonight I am making baked spaghetti with it and I froze enough to make a homemade lasagna! Plus I found this recipe for Italian Drop Biscuits. The Genius said, "These are the best biscuits I have ever eaten in my whole life!" They tasted JUST like Red Lobsters biscuits and were so amazingly easy! I love cooking and trying new things out!


Belinda said...

How funny! You need to pass on the sauce recipe. I've made those biscuits before and they are so yummy.

Unknown said...

St. Patrick is fascinating...good to research for homeschool! ;)