Thursday, July 14, 2011

When Things Just Don't Go Your Way....

You may end up with a very swollen, very painful thumb like mine...

It was all just a lousy accident.  The girls have been attending a Vacation Bible School with some friends and we have been taking turns with pick-up/drop-off.  Last night was my turn.  It was beautiful outside.  The four kids were being cute and funny.  We got to the church and the two kids realized they forgot offering.  I reached into the van to grab a few quarters for them and BAM.  Someone closed the sliding door on my thumb.  I quickly opened the door and noticed..."man this hurts".  But I shook it off, I mean, there were four scared kids looking at me.  I really thought I was fine and so I grabbed the little ones hand and we set off for the front door.  The closer we got, the worse I felt.  We walked in and I saw a chair and immediately sat down.  I was saying, "girls get ______", because he has to be walked into his room and signed in.  That is the last thing I remember.  Next thing I know they are people shouting at me and shaking me.  Evidently, I totally passed out.  They got me onto the floor and I was saying "where's ____" because I was so scared!  Luckily, leaders had taken him back to his room safely.  I ended up being there about 30 minutes before I could manage to sit up.  It was awful!  I have no idea why I fainted or anything.  They said I was in shock.  But shock from what??? I mean, my thumb hurts, but not as bad as labor or anything.  I will say...fainting in real life is very UN-romantic. 
Have you ever passed out?  If so, why?


Stacia said...

Yep, not very romantic at all!
I have fainted twice in my life. The first time was when I was about 16 years old and was at work at Hardee's. Have you ever hit your funny bone? Thats what I did and it took my breath away, I started to see spots before my eyes, someone suggested that I sit down and the next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor. I felt sick the rest of the day! To this day if I hit my funny bone just right I see spots and get very light headed.
The 2nd time was January of this year and I don't know why I fainted at all. I was sitting on the couch doing my daughters hair and my tummy was hurting really bad, so I called for hubby to come help me, next thing I know he is calling my name and I'm struggling to wake up. He made me go to the doctor after that, thakfully I'm fine.
Hope that dosent happen to either of us agin!

Carly said...

Whoa, that's pretty impressive. Sammy dropped a brick on his toe this morning, it sort of looks like that, only, you know, his toe. He didn't faint though.

Trinka said...

Nope ... not romantic. Don't know why the novel authors find it to be so. I've never passed out, but I do tend to get faint when I'm sick, so I will see the world closing in, and sit down right quick-like before I fall down. :)

How did the Hippie & Genius react? Or were they out of the room?

Clifford Jeffery said...

trinka - They went to their class and when I picked them up that night they asked why I had been laying on the floor =)

Trinka said...

Oh funny. :) "no reason ... just wanted to see if there was gum under the chairs." :)